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ysladmin 2024-07-25
旅游路线图手抄报电子版打印版_旅游路线图的手抄报       大家好,我是小编,今天我要和大家分享一下关于旅游路线图手抄报电子版打印版的问题。为了让大家更容易理解,我

















       手抄报制作要求:手抄报是模仿报纸的,单面的,用钢笔书写的,可传阅、也可张贴的小报。 制作手抄报,从总体上考虑,首先要确立主题思想。一期手抄报,版面很有限,要办出特色,必须在内容上突出一个主题,做到主题突出,又丰富多彩。版面编排和美化设计,也要围绕着主题,根据主题和文章内容决定形式的严肃与活泼,做到形式与内容的统一





       一套Office软件,特别是word,版本在office XP以上。












       As the world is getting more densely populated, pollution presents a severe problem. More people make more waste. All this waste is polluting our surroundings.

       Pollution has a bad influence on our life. The air is pollnted by the smoke and fog coming out of the factory chimneys. Plants die for want of fresh air. The river is polluted and the fish are unfit to live. There is noise pollution made by cars and factories, etc, which hurts the ear.

       It is high time we did something about pollution. I suggest more trees be planted to keep the air fresh. We should purify the water and make use of the wastes and turn harm into good.

       By cur common efforts, we will make a clean and purified environment for life and work.

       As you know, people depend on water to live on. They should be involved in finding a solution to this problem. I think, certain counter measures need to be taken as soon as possible. To begin with, the s of all countries are supposed to formulate rules and regulations to deal with the pollution problem. In addition, factories in towns and cities must be prohibited from draining waste liquids into rivers before they are totally treated and purified. I feel if they violate relevant rules or laws, they should be fined heily. Certainly, there are some other cures which are worth adopting.

       As far as future prospect is concerned, I am sure that good results will be achieved in this respect. Rivers which used to be contaminated by industrial wastes will be cleaned and fish which could not live there a few years ago will be again.

       Nowadays, the environmental protection is becoming one of the most important issues in the world. Being one of the members of our society, what shall we do to protect the environment?

       First, stop using plastic bags, boxes and bottles. Stores should be required to use the bags, boxes and bottles which are made from paper.

       Secondly, more and more trees and flowers should be planted to keep our surrounding clean. People must be required to plant plants around their houses and work places.

       Finally, we must control the pollution by law, according to which, polluted water and air exhausted from factories should be forbidden.

       These are some of the measures that we can take to protect our environment and they are not hard tasks for us. Remember, the earth is the only planet we could live at present.

       Since the first day, BNBM has paid more attention to protect the environment as its social responsibility, by developing green building materials, producing green products and creating green enterprise. According to the spirit of "From the nature, for the nature and return to the mature", BNBM has tried its best in developing new technology and improving equipment to reduce the pollution.

       Once man did not he to think about the protection of his environment. There were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be unlimited. Today things are different. The world has become too crowded. We are using up our natural resources,and polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, human life on earth will not survive. We realize that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none left. Yet,with modern fishing methods, more and more fish are caught.We know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will disear. Yet, we continue to use powerful machines to cut down more and more trees. We see that if rivers are polluted with waste products, we will die. Yet, waste products are still put into rivers.We know that if the population continues to rise at the present rate, in a few years, there won’t be enough food.What can we do to solve these problems? If we eat more vegetables and less meat, there will be more food ailable. Land for crops feeds five times more people than land where animals are kept.Our natural resources will last longer if we learn to recycle them.The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods of birth control. Finally, if we educate people to think about the problems we shall he a better and cleaner planet in the future.
