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tamoadmin 2024-08-15
1.flies有几种意思2.英语介绍温州旅游景点 用英语介绍温州景点3.申遗:湖南“崀”山怎么读兴化千垛景区的“垛”读音是第三声,(duǒ);千垛景区的完整读音


2.英语介绍温州旅游景点 用英语介绍温州景点



兴化千垛景区的“垛”读音是第三声,(duǒ);千垛景区的完整读音为:qiān?du jǐng qū。










这个景点就是?鼋头渚,是位于江苏境内一个非常著名的景点,这个景点始建于19 16年,现在也是我们国家5A级旅游景区,景区内可以欣赏的景点也非常的多,值得一提的是,这里还曾经是蒋介石的私家园林,堪称?无锡第一胜景?。




英语介绍温州旅游景点 用英语介绍温州景点




















5 Ma Street, the old city of Wenzhou is one of the oldest streets, is also famous commercial street. Since the liberation of East Street and Park Road phase grounding, west cicada Street and Fu Qianjie intersection, 400 meters long, 12 meters wide.


Wenzhou "paradise" -- -- - nanxi river

Nanxi river is located in yongjia county, north of wenzhou, zhejiang province. It is a national AAAA scenic spot, known as "the first water of heen". By beauty, jiang jian qu, waterfall, tam brigitte, the peak, YanXiu, strange stone, ces, Jane, the village is famous for its ancient trees, there are "thousand rock of TV, mountains and valleys flow", is with harmonizing natural landscape, cultural landscape in the integration of landscape pastoral area. It is known as "the cradle of Chinese landscape painting". The total length of the nanxi river is 145km, and it is a tree-like water system with abundant water and winding river flows. There are so-called "36 bay" and "72 beach". The river is smooth without delay, with a degree of urgency.

On the dock, the workers are waiting for the visitors.

The bamboo raft is made of large, brown, large, brown bamboo, which is made of large, brown and brown bamboo. It is made of a set of 15. 2 rows of bamboo chairs for tourists to take.

The bow was up high, and the bamboo raft was drifting along the nanxi river and down the river

The water was clear and clean, and it was green and close to the shore. You could see the pebbles in the shallows. The riverfront duck plays with water, and can still hear the cheerful "sip" of the duck.

As the only scenic spot in China's national scenic area with idyllic scenery, the unique landscape of its rich and stirring level makes visitors wonder.

The green river is long and long, the wind is gentle, the water is like a mirror; The two sides of the cross - strait forest are stained, green and bright; Layers of smoke trees, hidden ancient villages, distant mountains such as dai, such as fairyland. The whole mountain water scene is very light and ropriate, the function is proper, is very infatuated.

Two small lantau island in front of the wharf of zhanchuan village in yantou town. From afar, the strange rock in the river is like a lion's play ball, hence the name of the lion rock. The lion rock, such as a lion, is full of jagged rocks, with its head held high and its head held high. The other lantau, known as "lion island", is covered with trees and trees, and the grass is luxuriant, and the wind is blowing, the crown swaying, like a lion's ball rolling.

You will be amazed when you visit the nanxi river. The distant mountains like the clouds, green mountains and water is heen.

The nanxi river is a beautiful scroll that is slowly rolled out, which is a classic of the jiangnan landscape and a peach blossom source in the treler's heart.













My hometown, Wenzhou is a prefecture-level city in southeastern Zhejiang province, People's Republic of China. The area under its jurisdiction, which includes two satellite cities and six counties, had a population of 7.7 millions. About 2 millions residents live in Wenzhou's city proper. It borders Lishui to the west, Taizhou to the north, and looks out to the East China Sea on its eastern coast.

我的家乡温州是一个中国浙江省西南部的地级市。该市管辖两个卫星城和6个县,有7.7 百万人口。大约有2百万人住在市区。四面个丽水接壤,北面紧邻台州,东面展望东海。

The coast of Wenzhou is rich in natural resources. The long coastline gives the city abundant marine resources and many beautiful islands. Dongtou, one of the counties in Wenzhou, is also called the “County of one hundred islands”. Wenzhou also boasts wonderful landscapes with rugged mountains and tranquil waters, including three state-level scenic spots, namely the Yandang Mountain, the Nanxi River and the Baizhangji Fall-Feiyun Lake, and two national nature reserves, namely the Wuyanling Ridge and the Nanji Islands,

温州的海滩富有自然。 长的海岸线提供了大量的海洋和很多漂亮的岛屿。 东头是温州的一个县,被称为百岛国。 温州还有很多迷人的风景,比如奇骏的山峰和恬静的水。包括三个国家级旅游景点,分别为雁荡山,南溪和百丈_。还有两个国家级自然保护区,分别为乌岩岭和南麂岛。

Beside the nature resource and beautiful view, Wenzhou is also a prosperous foreign treaty port, which provide billions of dollar's income to our country. I welcome everyone come to my hometown and hope you will enjoy here.

除了自然和美丽的风景。温州也是一个国际贸易港口,为我国提供数以十亿计的收入。 我欢迎每个人都到我的家乡来并希望你们能够喜欢这里。


A southeast of Wenzhou landscape and rich tourist resources. He been known as "sea mountains, in wan, must win," Hill, known as "Jiang's best in the world," the Nanxi River, Lake, as well as the United States and the waterfall can Feiyun Lake - 3 Baizhang riverbank state-level key scenic spots and Named "China's top 10 most beautiful islands", one of the Nanji Islands, "Kingdom of plants and animals," said Wu Yan Ling Nature Reserve, 2 National Nature Reserve, there are provincial-level scenic spots 7, 8 City-level scenic spot. Tourism area of the city's land area accounts for 1 / 4 and named "China's top 10 most beautiful islands", one of the Nanji Islands


温州属亚热带季风气候,著名景点有雁荡山、楠溪江等。温州 文化 属瓯越文化,是中国数学家的摇篮、中国南戏的故乡。接下来是我为大家整理的关于温州英文版 导游词 ,方便大家阅读与鉴赏!


Wenzhou, located in the southeast coast of Zhejiang, is the economic, cultural and transportation center of southern Zhejiang. The city now governs Lucheng, Longwan and Ouhai districts, Ruian and Yueqing cities, and Dongtou, Yongjia, Pingyang, Cangnan, Wencheng and Taishun counties, with a total area of 11783 square kilometers and a total population of 7 million. Wenzhou is located in the middle of China's golden coastline, with developed transportation and communication. Wenzhou airport has opened 42 domestic routes and regional routes with Hong Kong and Macao. Wenzhou Railway Station is the terminal of Jinwen railway, the first joint-stock railway in China. Passenger trains can directly reach Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou and other major cities in China. Wenzhou port is a comprehensive natural port integrating estuary port and bay port. It is the throat of goods import and export in southern Zhejiang and Northern Fujian. The total mileage of existing highways in Wenzhou City is 4111 km. Highway transportation extends in all directions. National highway 104 and 330 run through the north and south. The Wenzhou section of Heilongjiang Tongjiang Hainan Sanya expressway is under construction.

Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Wenzhou has combined the party's reform and opening-up policy with the local reality, carried forward the spirit of "independent reform, self risk, self-improvement and self development", took the lead in carrying out market-oriented reform, and walked out an economic development path with distinctive regional characteristics. Its development has gone through three stages: the first stage is the early stage of reform and opening up. Wenzhou's economy started from family industry, developed a variety of economic components, solved the problem of economic aggregate, and formed a pattern of "small commodities and large market"; In the second stage, after the mid-1980s, with capital, talents and technology as the link, family industry was guided to joint-stock cooperation, and joint-stock cooperation economy was vigorously developed, which played the role of "small capital and large radiation"; The third stage is after 1992. Inspired by Deng Xiaoping's southern tour talk and the spirit of the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the second pioneering work with the core of comprehensively improving the economic quality has been carried out. The reform and construction of the whole city has entered a new stage, creating a state of "small region and great development".

Wenzhou is rich in tourism resources. It has two national scenic spots of Yandangshan and Nanxijiang, two national nature reserves of wuyanlin and Nanji, seven provincial scenic spots and eight municipal scenic spots. The area of tourist attractions accounts for more than 1 / 5 of the total land area of the city.


Wenzhou is located in the south of the southeast coast of Zhejiang Province. It is a famous cultural city with a history of 1620__ years. It has jurisdiction over 11 counties, cities and districts, covering an area of 11784 square kilometers. The population is 7.05 million. There are 250000 overseas Chinese in 62 countries and regions and 100000 compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

Wenzhou is a tourist resort with beautiful scenery, mild climate, no severe cold in winter and no intense heat in summer. Wenzhou is rich in natural landscape, cultural landscape and other tourism resources. There are four national scenic spots and nature reserves, including Yandangshan, Nanxijiang, Nanji and Wuyanling. There are nine provincial scenic spots, such as Xianyan, Dongtou, baizhangyou, Yaoxi, Binhai yucangshan, Zeya, zhailiaoxi, Oujiang and radon sp



英文:used in place names。



1、客家话:[海陆丰腔] long2 [台湾四县腔] long2

2、粤语:long4 long5







